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Writer's pictureAnagha Anil



Before I start yapping about my day, it is important to clarify here that I didn't 'pretend' to be a hall resident. I chose the term for my title because it sounded cheeky and I liked it. Trust me, it is nearly impossible to pass off as a member of any of the halls in my college. Unlike the typical college hostels I have come across, every one of the six halls in my college has a rich tradition. You will easily stand out as an outsider unless you know their chants, anthems, and much more. My situation made me blend into a particular hall crowd because there wasn't any gang of non-hall residents I knew and I had friends in the hall. Still I had so much fun at this event.

I wanted to go early in the morning because I didn't want to miss seeing my friend performing in a skit for the competition, but I ran late because of a few unexpected circumstances. But luckily for me, the event had got delayed and it started just five minutes after I reached the venue. I was AWESTRUCK when I saw my friend performing. It was my first time taking in this version of him, the actor.He did so well that it made me realise how right the saying "there is more to your classmate outside the class" was. You only see the student side of your friend in class, but thats not all. I feel honored to be able to take in the various facets of my friends' lives and I take it as an incentive to attend more such events with them. The rest of the skits were also good and I couldn't help but admire the students who had spent their time and effort into each of these performances, it was refreshing to feel their sincerity and passion. A big kudos to all the participants!

Talking about the rest of the events, I must confess that I only watched a few of them as my growling tummy naturally got distracted by the stalls there. But, with your foodie gang all in gear (coupons here), it's just a matter of time before 'exploring the food stalls' became your top priority. I also got to meet new people, thanks to my hall friends. Though far from a social butterfly, it is still a step towards being more social right?

The most exciting part of the program for me was the valedictory function and the declaration of the result. I got to see firsthand the competitive spirit of the hall residents. The howls, cheers, and anthems of the respective halls charged the atmosphere and it screamed TRADITION, PRIDE and, BELONGING. The noises were deafening, but I was smiling from ear to ear. It brought back memories of a similar time when I cheered along with my group members at a tournament as a child. It filled me with a lot of emotions.

So overall I can happily conclude that I had a fantastic day. For someone like me who isn't a fan of crowds, attending an event is a big thing. As much as I enjoy a good weekend spent productively and leisurely indoors, I was glad I participated in this one. And I look forward to the rest of the events the halls have to offer with a mind focused on events and a more reigned-in gluttony.

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