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Writer's pictureAnagha Anil

Lockdown Let a Bird Out

A shell of a girl dragged her body to school -

morning after morning, regretting every breath.

A smart child was sent cowering back to her shell,

where she built a fortress

to push the world off her head.

This was the girl as a child.

Year after year, she searched for this child,

till yearning and mourning led to utter despair.

Seeing no way of return to her past self,

she lost all hope and waited for the end.

Her self became contemptuous

and life a burden.

She felt misplaced in a world of goodness.

Why does something so worthless receive such blessings,

when young souls of value perish unjustly before their time?

If only she could have gone with the reaper in their place...

things would have been better.

She felt guilty for breathing.

While she reeled in such thoughts-

in the slow and perpetual hell of her mind,

time outside didn't wait for her.

It tossed her around making her go crazy.

When decisions led to regrets,

she found all doors disappearing.

One night, she made a final effort to appeal,

a mayday call to the one person who can help...

It was heard.

How ironic it is,

A disaster saved a soul.

The death of millions halted time,

It forced people into homes.

But it gave the time and space for a girl

to breathe and pick up the shards of her soul.

In the form of a phrase, God sent her medicine.

Uttered from the mouth of a beloved,

it shattered her shackles.

The hope of change was born

and new wings of light formed.

She broke her fortress to sour out to freedom.

The very change that destroyed her will build her back.

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